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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Planting > Palettes > Open Palette Builder >


Edit Palette

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Help > Planting > Palettes > Open Palette Builder >

Edit a palette held on the web application.


  1. From the Select Action list select Edit selected palette.
  2. The Palette Builder dialog will display:

There are a number of operations that can be performed from the Palette Builder:

Basic Item Filter Filter items using category filtering, images and list
Advanced Item Filter   Filter items using advanced characteristic filtering
Insert Item into Palette   Insert an item from selection into palette
Change Display Mode   Change the display detail of the palette
Manually Enter Item   Enter manually entered items directly onto palette
(only available in Object and Options view)
Edit Selected Item

Edit an existing palette item
(only available in Object and Options view)

Delete Selected Items Delete palette item(s)
Copy Selected Items to Another Palette Copy palette item(s) to a different palette
Import Legacy Artisan Palette Import a palette from a previous version of Artisan
Output Palette to PDF Export palette contents to a PDF file
Delete All Items Delete all the items from a palette


A single palette must be selected to edit a palette.