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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Planting >



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Planting in Artisan fully complies with the National Planting Specification (NPS).


Place planting labels into model as single specimens, linear planting (hedges, avenues) and areas (planting beds, woodlands). Planting can be placed as either single species/varieties or as a mix defined by a number of components, associated specifications and percentages. Areas can also be over-planted if planting has already been applied.



Palettes - Open Palette Builder to create and manage palettes

Planting Labels - Place planting in the Revit© model as individual specimens, linear items (hedges, avenues), areas (beds, woodlands).

Planting Reports (Schedules ) - Load pre-defined planting schedules into current model.

Edit Planting  - Planting sunbsistutions and change specification information, planting centres values and location information

Plant Browser  - Centralised tool to view and manage planting componentsin Revit model

Web Libraries - Create and maintain library objects and mixes to place into Artisan models.

Open Palette Builder - Connect to CS Palette Builder to create and manage palettes

Download Palettes - Connect to CS Palette Builder to download palettes to local machine



Planting palettes are created via the Cloud based Palette Builder, including planting Mixes and Custom Plants.

Labels are placed by selecting from downloaded palettes for single, linear and area planting, as single species and mixes.

Schedules dynamically reflect all changes to planting placed in AutoCAD© .