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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Planting > Planting Labels > Linear Planting >


Length from Boundary



Insert label based on a perimeter that will be created using the CAD system's create boundary function.


1. Click the Insert Label by Length from Boundary button

Click the Insert Label by Length from Boundary button on the Label Ribbon Panel

2. Click within a boundary

Click in a space where a boundary is defined by surrounding entities.

3. Boundary displays

The boundary is displayed in a different colour.

4. Click arrowhead point

Click on the point where the arrowhead is to be drawn.

5. Click end of leader

Then click on the point where the label is to be drawn.

The item label and any quantity calculation will be displayed.


The Label by Length from Boundary command calculates the items according to the formula:

Number = (Perimeter Length x Slope Factor) / Item Centres

The number and the centres can be overriden using the Label Insertion Options.

The style of the leader and the label text is determind by the current Label Preferences.

For further information on centres and densities see the Density Reference page.


Label Insertion Options
Label Preferences
Density Reference