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Planting Labels

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The Label ribbon panel gives access to the commands that place and edit labels and controls label placement options and styles.

Planting Labels commands are available from the Labels panel.

Users are able to attach planting labels to single, linear, area planting geometry and to modify existing label information using the Artisan Edit and Substitute tools. The Plant Browser tool provides a centralised tool to view and manage Artisan Objects in the current CAD model.


To place planting labels in the CAD model for individual specimenslinear items (hedges, avenues), areas (beds, woodlands). Plants can be placed either as single species/varieties or mixes and with overlay or underlay planting .

Planting labels to be placed are selected from downloaded Palettes and users can Open Palette Builder or Download Palettes from the Palette panel.


Download Palettes - Connect to CS Palette Builder to download palettes to local machine

Select Palette - Select from list of downloaded palettes

Labels - Area Planting - Place single species/varieties or mixes of planting into a floor, closed region or split topo.

Labels -Linear Planting - Place single species/varieties or mixes of planting as a hedge or avenue.

Labels -Single Planting  - Place single species/varieties onto topography.

Reports  - Create and edit schedules

Edit Planting  and Substitute Planting

Planting Browser


Planting can be placed in either Imperial or Metric units and users are able to switch dynamically between either system. [see Units ].