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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 CS Web App > Planting Libraries > Creating and Editing Mixes > Edit Mix >


Insert Option into Mix

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Add an option into a mix in the organisation's library


1. Select Object

Use the Basic Item Filter and Advanced Item Filter to narrow the available objects.

Then select an object by clicking on it's image (or if using list view clicking it's name)

2. Select Option

The object's characteristic and options page displays.

Click on the Options tab.

Enter a percentage coverage for this option within the mix and tick the selected option(s).

Click Add.

3. Manage Mixes Page

The Manage Mixes page redisplays with the added option listed.


If the object does not have any options there is a generic "option" available from the Object's characteristic and options page (see 2 above).