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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 CS Web App > Planting Libraries > Creating and Editing Mixes >


Edit Mix

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Edit a mix in the organisation's library



1. Select mix class


Select the desired class from the Library Planting Mixes menu


2. Mix class page

The Mix class page displays.

Tick the mix that is to be edited and then select "Edit Selected Mix" from the Select Action menu.

Alternatively, click the Edit Tool of the item that is to be edited and then click Edit from the pop up menu.


3. Manage Mixes page

There are a number of operations that can be performed from the Manage Mixes page:

Basic Item Filter   Filter items using category filtering, images and list
Advanced Item Filter Filter items using advanced characteristic filtering
Insert Option into Mix   Add an option into the mix
Edit Mix Item   Edit a mix item
Add New Mix Item   Manually add a mix item (not based on library)
Set New Centre Value for the Mix   Set the centre values for all items in the mix
Delete Mix Item   Delete an item from the mix



Where a padlock symbol is shown, actions which modify the respective palettes are restricted to users who have entered the administrator password.