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Planting Libraries

The Library operations allow organisations to create and maintain their own library of objects and mixes which can subsequently be inserted into Artisan or ArtisanRV models.

Note that Planting Mixes are created and edited separately in the Mixes Libraries and then will subsequently have to be selected and added to palettes prior to downloading and using to place labels or model components in CS Artisan (CAD) or CS ArtisanRV (Revit).

Logging on to Library Connect to web application and logon to library
Creating and Editing Objects Create and maintain organisation's object library
Creating and Editing Mixes Create and maintain organisation's mix library

Use Custom Plants to add a new plant species or variety that does not exist in the libraries.

To add a new plant that does not exist in the CSD libraries...

After creating or modifying palettes, download to CS ArtisanRV (Revit add-in) or CS Artisan (AutoCAD add-in) for placing planting components directly into a BIM-ready environment (ArtisanRV) or CAD (Artisan).