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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Planting > Palettes > Open Palette Builder >


Delete Palette

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Delete selected palettes.


1. Select Delete Selected Palettes

Tick the palettes that are to be deleted, then Select Delete Selected Palettes from the Select Action menu at the top right of the window.

Alternatively, click the edit tool by the palette to be deleted and then click Delete on the pop up menu. 

2. Confirm Deletion

The Confirm Deletion dialog displays. Either OK or Cancel the deletion.

3. Palette List Refreshes

If the deletion is confirmed then selected palettes and their contents will be moved into the deleted palettes folder.

The Palette List will refresh without the deleted items.



To delete only some of the items use the Delete Selected Items command from the Edit Palette page.

To delete all the items from the palette but leaving the palette use the Delete ALL Items command from the Edit Palette  page.

The use of this command will not actually delete the palette but rather move it to the "Deleted Palettes" folder. To see deleted palettes and either undelete them or permanently remove them see Toggle Display Of Deleted Palettes .


Delete Selected Items
Delete ALL Items
Edit Palette
Toggle Display Of Deleted Palettes