Edit Planting is available from the Planting panel. The intelligent Edit Planting command supports both Concept Planting and Detail Planting. Note that a centralised Concept Plant Browser is available from the Plant Browser menu where users can quickly view and modify Description and Location parameters.
To edit planting objects placed in the model. For Concept Planting, Editing is delivered via the single dynamic button that automatically detects whether users are selecting Area, Linear or Singular planting and loads the associated dialog. The Split Area Planting tool is available for both Concept Planting and Detailed Planting .
Options to enable multiple single items to be selected, to drop connections on singular planting and to convert linear planting to singular are appricable only to Detailed Planting .
From the Edit Planting utility, users can add or change Location, Description, Shade, Alpha, Notes, Graphic Sizing, Density, Type (Linear and Singular Planting).
Pick the Edit Planting button to be able to select any Concept Planting content in the model.