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Help > ArtisanRV_xx.3.87.0 Concept Planting > Edit Concept Planting >


Split Area Planting

The Split Area Planting tool enables regions, topos and floors to which Area Planting has been applied, to be divided into two separate sub areas. Users are then able to substitute either or both of the new split areas. The Split Area Planting tool supports both Concept and Detailed Planting and may be of particular benefit as a more detail is provided to general arrangments created during early phase work.

Select Split Area Planting from the Edit Planting pop-down menu.

Split Area Planting is used to create two areas from a single one where planting has been placed.

Use model line to split the area planting in two.

Select Split Area Planting from the Edit Planting pop-down menu and select the bounding region, topo or floor and then pick the split line. Two planting areas are created and can be tagged separately. Note that there may be minor rounding of totals based on planting quantity calculations. 

Edit Planting to change or substitute either or both area as required. 

Edit Planting to change Tag Options as required.