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Non Planting

The Artisan data system of Palettes - Labels - Reports, fully supports both Planting and Non Planting information.  


Place non planting labels into model for single, linear and areas items. All label information is automatically available for inclusion in Artisan Reports (schedules).


Palettes - Open Palette Builder to create and manage palettes

Non Planting Labels   - Place non planting labels in CAD model as individual, linear or area items.

Non Planting Reports (Schedules)  - Load pre-defined schedules into current model.

Edit Labels   - Edit specification information, descriptions and location information.

Label Options - Define and manage Tagging Templates.

Web Libraries - Create and maintain library objects to place into Artisan models.

Open Palette Builder - Connect to CS Palette Builder to create and manage palettes

Download Palettes - Connect to CS Palette Builder to download palettes to local machine



Palettes are created via the Cloud based Palette Builder, with categories including Softworks, Hardworks, Groundworks and Site Furniture.

Labels are placed by selecting from downloaded palettes and associated to single, linear and area objects.

Schedules dynamically reflect all changes to label information placed in CAD.