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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2




The Drawing ribbon panel gives access to the drawing utilities that are similiar to the most frequently used CAD drawing commands.

Draw Polyline Similiar to CAD Polyline command
Draw Rectangle Similiar to CAD Rectangle command
Draw Spline Similiar to CAD Spline command
Draw Circle By Radius Similiar to CAD Circle Centre Radius command
Draw Circle By 3 Points Similiar to CAD Circle 3-Point command
Draw Arc By 3 Points Similiar to CAD Arc 3-Point command
Draw Arc By Start,Centre and End Similiar to CAD Arc Start Centre End command
Draw Polyline Offset Draw a polyline offset from a created boundary

All Artisan draw commands are styled according to the current settings of the Layer, Colour, Weight, Linetype and Line Scale tools in the Drawing ribbon panel.Certain commands are also affected by the settings in the Offset and Close tools. Full details of the drawing settings options are found on the Drawing Options help page.


Draw Options