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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Drawing >


Draw Options


Alter the settings used by Artisan Draw Commands.


Draw options are directly accessed from the Draw ribbon panel as indicated below:



The layer to be used by the draw commands. When dropped down all the available layers and also a link to the layer manager, enabling new layers to be created is available.


The colour to be used by the draw commands. When dropped down the default CAD colours (red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta and white), the special "ByLayer" and "ByBlock" colours and also a link to a custom colour creation tool are available. If custom colours are created they will also be listed.


The weight to be used by the draw commands. All the CAD system weights are listed as are the special "ByLayer", "ByBlock" and "Default" weights.


The linetype to be used by the draw commands. All the default CAD system linetypes as well as the Artisan linetypes are displayed for selection.


The distance of the offset to be used by the Draw Polyline Offset command.

Line Scale

The scale applied to the linetype when using the draw commands.


When checked the Draw Polyline and Draw Spline commands will be automatically closed on completion.



Draw Polyline
Draw Polyline Offset
Draw Spline