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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Drawing >


Draw Polyline Offset



Construct Polyline using Artisan Drawing settings.


1. Set the offset

Enter the distance that the polyline will be offset either to the inside or the outside of the defining boundary. 

2. Click Draw Polyline Offset

Click the Draw Polyline Offset button on the Drawing Ribbon

3. Click point inside boundary. 

Click a point inside the defining boundary. The boundary must be closed by either a closed entity or overlapping entities.

4. Indicate offset direction 

Move the pointer to the inside or outside of the defining boundary and the proposed offset will be displayed.

5. Click to confirm

Click when the proposed offset is correct.

The new closed polyline will be drawn.


The layer, colour, weight, linetype and linetype scale will be those currently set in the Artisan Drawing Ribbon. These may be different from the CAD system's current settings.


Draw Options