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Help > ArtisanRV_xx.3.87.0 Detailed Planting > Edit Detailed Planting >


Re-Number All Plant Counts

A plant count is held against each plant type as a new instance is placed. The Plant Count is used in the Compact Tag. The Re-Number options ensure that the Plant Count records remain sequentlial if previous instances have been deleted or if multiple linear planting segments have been broken.

To Re-Number All plant counts in the model, select the associated command from the Edit drop-down menu.

Pick Re-Number ALL plant counts to ensure ALL Plant Count records for all plants (and mixes) remain sequential in the model.

Example of the Re-Number Plant Count in practice...

Linear planting placed in multiple sections with 4 connected lines...

The individual lines can be moved independently but the Plant Count (instance count) displayed in the Compact Tag remains the same...

After running Re-Number, Plant Counts are