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Help > ArtisanRV_xx.3.62.11 Detailed Planting > Re-Load Planting >


Re-Associate Orphaned Area Planting

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Command: Re-Associate Orphaned Area Planting is available from the Re-Load menu on the Planting panel.


Select Re-Associate Orphaned Area Planting to re-attach area planting to its host object.

The Re-Associate Orphaned Area Planting utility is particularly useful if modifications to the model have resulted in planting areas becoming detatched from their original schema. This will be areas that have previously been planted but when attempting to run Edit Planting, they report back as having no Artisan objects attached.

The utility is a 3-step process that needs to be run sequentially. The first step is to remove orphaned graphics and hidden placeholders from the model; the orphaned tags are then isolated on a view by view basis; the final step is to re-plant selected areas.

Pick Re-Associate Orpahned Area Planting to display the guidance template.

Follow the steps indicated to re-associate orphaned area planting that has become detached from its original schema. The 3 steps are as below...

  1. Remove orphaned 2D edge graphics, 3D massing graphics and plant Place Holder families. Orphaned objects will no longer respond to edits and are no longer "attached" to the original object and should therefore be removed. This step will remove them prior to re-creating in step 3 below.
  2. Isolate orphaned tags in vie. This reveals and isolates the tags whose target element no longer contains the planting schema. This makes it easier to run step 3 below. This process (along with step 3) will need to be run on each plan view that contains planting.
  3. Once you have isolated the tags in step 2, use this step to re-plant the area. This is done by setting the basic properties that are applied to the plant type (obtained from the Tag object selected in the view). After selecting the basic properties you can pick "Select Tags" and one at a time, click on the Tags you wish to re-plant. You can toggle between steps 2 and 3 if you want to refresh the view (to hide the Areas just planted) o9r if you select another plan view.

Follow the above steps sequentially, picking the associated Process button first to remove orphaned data and then to isolate tags in a required view. Pick Select Tags after defining basic properties as required.