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Create Concept Planting


Create Concept Planting is available from the Planting panel.



To create early phase Concept Planting for single plants (specimens or clumps), linear (hedges and avenues) or Areas (woodlands and beds). Concept Planting provides a quick process for setting down initial arrangements of different planting types using a dynamic graphic representation that reflects general design intent. Concept Planting provides quantifiable early phase content prior to creating Detailed Planting and is very easy to modify or edit.


Concept Planting provides a quick graphical representation and accurate record of underlying information. Graphical imagery is provided as simple vegetation symboly filled in a range of colours from Shade options and in randomised sizes. Colour ranges and hues are provided via Shade and Alpha Brightness .

Optional data fields enable associated records to be sorted, grouped or filtered in schedules and to define design intent and levels of detail appropriate for required project phases.

Concept Planting instances can be tagged.

Concept Planting is placed as singular, linear and area types.

Concept Area Planting - Create planting into a defined area, topo, floor or region.

Linear Planting - Place hedge and avenue planting. 

Singular Planting - Place single plants or clumps.