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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Non Planting > Palettes > Open Palette Builder >


Administrator Password


Restrict editing of web data to authorised users



Using the administrator password feature involves three steps:


1. Setting an administrator password

Before setting or changing the administrator password the user needs to enter the current administrator password. By default this is blank.

Logon to the web application  and then click the My Account menu and the Admin Access option.

Enter the current administrator password (blank by default) and press OK.
(If the password has been set but is no longer known then click on the link provided for a reminder to be emailed)


In the text at the top of the web application it will indicate that administator mode is now set. To change the administator password click the My Account menu and the profile option.

From the Account profile page click Edit Profile from the Select Action menu in the bottom right hand corner

Enter the new administator password and click OK

The administrator password is saved.


2. Protecting Objects

See Protect Palette and Protect Mix for instruction on protecting palettes and mixes from unauthorised editing.


3. Entering the Administrator Password to edit Protected Objects

If using the Web Application ( then use the procedure above to enter the administrator password. Protected palettes and mixes as well as web reports and data can then be edited.