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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Planting > Planting Browser > Plant Browser >


Instance and Type Properties

Expanded planting records are displayed in the Plant Explorer as either Instance Properties or Type Properties .

Instance Properties

The Instance Properties tab enables users to modify specification information as required for all or any selected planting components by manually entering records or picking from the associated pop-down options.

Note that modifications will apply to all selected planting components...

By default, the Check All control is selected, which will result in ALL instances of the associated plant host being modified if properties are changed. In the example below, 4 instances of Allium giganteum are 'checked'. Any modifications to the specification options will apply to ALL 4 instances.

In the example below, only one of the 4 instances of Allium giganteum remains 'unchecked'. As a result, any modifications to the underlying specification information, will only apply to the 1 checked instance. Note: hover cursor over individual elements in the Instance Properties panel to provide a visual clue where the element is positioned in the plan view to the right (elements are highlighted with a red border).

Type Properties

The Type Properties tab enables users to define or modify Ultimate Height, Ultimate Spread and Years to Full Growth values for ALL instances of a plant.