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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Introduction > Artisan Settings > Licensing > De-Activate >


Group Policy

These instructions are provided to support network managers for enterprise deployment for organisations operating hot-desking environments or Cisco (server/terminal) systems.

Initial Installation

First step will be to install the products across your network.  This can be done using Active Directories Group Policy at the computer level.  Alternatively, you can use any other centrally managed software distribution solution.  Two MSI’s will need to be installed, one for the Auto Update service and Buddy App, the other for the actual Revit Add-In.


The configuration of Artisan RV can be controlled via registry settings.  In this case being able to automate its enabled state, add the licence information and set the de-activate option on exit.

These settings can be achieved through a user level Group Policy and we would suggest two policies be set.  The first will target all landscape architects and will enable the Artisan RV Add-In, the second will target all other users and will disable the Add-In.

The following are the Registry settings that will need manipulating (via the group policy) to set the required automation.  All keys would have been installed with read / write permissions for a standard windows user so there shouldn’t be any issues running the policy within the context of the logged in user.

Enable / Disable Artisan RV

Path:     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CS Design\Artisan RV 2019

Type:     REG_DWORD

Name:  Enabled

Values: 0 or 1

Notes:  0 will disable the Add-In, 1 will Enable the Add-In.  Set to 0 for non-landscape users.  To target other versions of Artisan RV change the last key to Artisan RV 2018 (for example).

Account and Licence Information

Path:     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CS Design\Artisan RV 2019

Type:     REG_SZ

Name:  Account Name

Values: as provided by CS Design.

Name:  Licence Number

Values: as provided by CS Design.

Notes:  Both these values should be blanked for non-landscape users.

Enable Automatic deactivation on closing Revit

Path:     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CS Design\Artisan RV 2019

Type:     REG_DWORD

Name:  Auto Deactivate

Values: 0 or 1

Notes:  0 to KEEP product activated.  1 to deactivate.