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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Planting > Planting Labels > Edit Labels >


Edit Planting Mix Headers

Select All Planting (single species + mix components) from the Filter by menu...

The selected labels list displays Planting Mixes only...

Note that Plants (Mix Components) contained in the selected Mix are displayed in the associated list box.

Fields available for editing when selecting Mix Headers are displayed...

The above fields can be edited (and applied to ALL COMPONENTS in the selected mix).

Change details as required for associated specification information or user data and notes. Note that users are able to select multiple Planting Mixes for editing.

If different values have been assigned to fields when more than one label is selected, the entry "(Multiple)" is displayed accordingly.

Note that applying changes to fields when multiple selections have been made, will result in ALL SELECTED labels being edited accordingly.

Coverage Percentage

Users are able to alter the percentage coverage for linear or area planting by entering a value in the Coverage % field. Note this is not available for individual plants that are part of a Planting Mix.

Slope Factor

Users are able to change the slope factor for linear and area planting (single species or mixes) by selecting a value from the Level pop-down menu. 

Pick Apply to commit changes to the selected label(s).