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Custom Plants

The CS searchable planting library resources contains thousands of plant species and varieties along with a comprehnsive number of associated specification options. The libraries comprise planting material from the UK, Europe, Middle East, Australasia and the Americas. The Custom Plants utility enables users from any geographic territory to add additional planting content (species, variety, performance and specification information) to the expanding CS community resource. Custom Plants are immediately available to the authoring organisation to add to selections in the Palette Builder.

Access the Palette Builder by selecting either of the Palette controls...


Users are able to...

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Custom plants added via the Palette Builder are automatically added to an organisation's planting library. Custom plants are placed in a sandbox where CSD Admin is able to fully populate records and add plants to the Artisan Community resource. Note that this is simply source planting information which may be shared with the CSD Community and the content of user-defined palettes remains exclusive to the authoring organisation.


Add a new plant that does not exist in the CSD libraries to a mix

Use Custom Plants to create the new plant record

Add the new plant to a mix in Mixes Libraries

Add the modified mix to a palette.

After creating or modifying palettes, download to CS ArtisanRV (Revit add-in) or CS Artisan (AutoCAD add-in) for placing planting components directly into a BIM-ready environment (ArtisanRV) or CAD (Artisan).