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Help > ArtisanRV_xx.3.87.0 Tree Pits >


Create Tree Pit

Tree Pits are either created on a Green Site where roots are able to penetrate surrounding subsoil or in an area where there is no adjoining soil into which roots can penetrate and therefore where additional root volume needs to be provided. In heavily trafficked situations, under hard paving, or where there are underground services, a specialist tree pit system is recommended.

Green Site

If the selected trees are located on a Green Site, there is no particular need for additional soil volume if roots are able to penetrate the adjoining subsoil. The Tree Pit dimensions are therefore based on a standard tree pit area (1m x 1m) and an associated tree pit profile. Select Square or Round profile and pick Create Tree Pit(s), displayed in 2D (below-left) and 3D (below-right).


Specialist Tree Pit System

If the selected trees are in areas where there is no accessibility for tree roots to penetrate surrounding soil, are in heavily trafficked situations, under hard paving, or where there are underground services, a specialist tree pit system is recommended. The Tree Pit dimensions in these situations are calculated from the root volume based on the species' ultimate spread and the depth of the defined tree pit profile. Select the required Tree Pit system, whether Square or Round and pick Create Tree Pit(s), displayed in 2D (below-left) and 3D (below-right).

Pick Create Tree Pit(s) to place Tree Pits under selected trees in both the Plan view and 3D view.

The dimensions of the tree pit are calculated automatically based on the ultimate canopy spread of the selected tree and the defined tree pit profile. The recommended soil volume is derived from the Ultimate Canopy Spread and the Tree Pit area is calculated by dividing by the depth of the selected Tree Pit type.

Section Views show how the Tree Pits relate to Topography.

The Material Build up of the Tree Pits is visible and quantities are automatically recorded in Schedules for takeoffs. 


The Material Build up of the Tree Pits is visible and quantities are automatically recorded in Schedules for takeoffs. This Tree Pit Schedule shows the material build up for the Tree Pits we have just created - sorted by Location.