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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Planting > Planting Schedules > Report Preferences >


Report Templates

Preferences - Report Templates


Alter the local report templates


Report Templates preferences are accessed from the Local Report Templates tab of the Preferences dialog.

Edit Existing Report Template

Click the  button next to an existing report template to edit it.

The Local Report Template dialog will open. See the Preferences - Local Report Template Editing page for more detail on how to edit a template.

Delete Exisiting Report Template

Click the  button next to an existing report template to delete it from the list.

Adding New Report Template

Type the name of a new template in the clear row at the bottom of the list. Then click the  button next to the new name to enter details. See the Preferences - Local Report Template Editing page for more detail on how to edit a template.

Import Report

Click the Import Report button and a dialog will allow an XML file containing a report template to be selected. The imported report will be added to the available report templates.


Preferences - Local Report Template Editing