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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Miscellaneous > Data Tool >


Orphaned Labels

Artisan Label data can become orphaned if modified outside of Artisan or if Labels have been copied and pasted: thereby losing the underlying X-Record reference.

If Artisan Labels have become orphaned, these will be displayed in the Non Artisan Labels (Maybe Orphaned) tab...

The list displays Labels that exist but which have no underlying data associated. Users can attempt to reload the missing data by running the Merge Data utility after selecting a backup file.

If the system detects the missing underlying data after running Select Backup File, summary information is displayed and users are prompted to pick Merge Data to correct orphaned labels.

Note that if no matching labels are discovered (or a backup file is not available), users may wish to re-label orphaned instances and then delete the orphaned labels.