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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Non Planting > Non Planting Labels >


Select Palette

Tool: Downloaded Palettes are presented as a persistent list in the Palettes panel. From here, users select a palette and associated record that will be placed using commands from the Label panel.



Palettes that have been downloaded are listed under the Select Palette drop down list. The list represents a persistent list of palettes that can be used to place labels into a model as Area LabelsLinear Labels - Single Labels .

There is no direct association between a palette and a model but it is common practice for users to create project (model) specific palettes.

When a palette has been selected, all records are displayed in the frame below, where users can select an individual record to place in the model by area, linear item or as a single item.


Select a palette from the Select Palette drop down list.

To view additional characteristics, performance information and photographic image of the selected palette record, pick the associated icon.