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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Miscellaneous >


Insert Legacy Labels



Import Labels from an older version of Artisan, retaining object intelligence.


1. Open the legacy drawing

Use the normal file tools to open and display the drawing containing legacy labels.

2. Click the Import Legacy Labels button


Click the Import Legacy Labels button on the Misc ribbon panel.

3. Save copy of drawing

Follow the prompts and save a copy of the drawing. (The orginal drawing will not be changed).

4. Labels Import

The labels will import into the copied file and the old labels will be deleted.

The drawing should then be saved.


1. Reports on older drawings are not imported. However, they can be regenerated once labels have been imported.

2. There might be slight calculation differences between the older and newer versions of Artisan. This is due to rounding and should not be significant.

3. In older versions of Artisan the labels relating to symbols (as opposed to lengths and areas) did not link to objects on the drawing. Therefore they will be imported into the newer Artisan as a "Fixed Quantity" label.