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Help > Artisan_xx.1.26.2 Data >


Insert Detail



Insert detail from the Artisan detail library


1. Click the Insert Detail button

Click the Insert Detail button on the Data Ribbon Panel

2. Detail Library

The Detail Library dialog displays.

Use the Category drop down box to toggle between imperial and metric details.

3. Insert Symbol

Either double click the detail or select it and click the Place button to insert the detail into the drawing.

4. Select insert point

Click on the drawing where the detail is to be inserted (the origin point).

5. Select rotation

The detail will then "rubberband" it's rotation until a point is clicked fixing it.

6. Select next insert point

Continuing selecting insert points and rotation points until the desired quantity of this detail have been inserted

Type End to stop inserting symbol.

(At any point during insertion a new insert scale can be entered into the Data Insertion Options)


The scale of the inserted detail will be determind by the current value in the Scale textbox of the Data Insertion Options .


Data Insertion options